Friday, May 16, 2008

Weekends can be either a great time or just completley boring. This weekend in particular may end up being a little bit of both. Ahead of me I have a busy interesting weekend coming up. The McNamara family is huge, loud, obnoxious but yet very loving and caring. The McNamara's are set all over the place. My uncle Pat lives in South Carolina and he's a independent, strange person. Uncle Pat has a huge beard/ gotee kinda look, he likes to keep to himself and enjoys playing with dogs. The McNamara/James family is made up of my Aunt Katie, Maggie and cousin Kaylen; there is usually a lot of drama consisted in this family sense Aunt Katie is a single parent. The Diley's consist of my Aunt Molly, Uncle Don, Jenny, Joey and Tommy. Tommy and Joey are loud obnoxious boys and like picking on us girls. Proceeding on there's the Aununties Aunt Shelia, Uncle John, Drew and Mark. Drew and Mark are in there 20's and both college graduates Drew works at a bank in Maddison and graduated from U Of Madison Wisconson. Mark is in his later 20's and graduated from St. Scolastica University Duluth, and is working as a manager at a local Duluth Bank. Then There's my Uncle Dan who isn't married and is working at a local computer company. I am almost done but I'm forgetting the McNamara's Uncle Mike, Aunt Amy, Jack, Margaret and Ginny. Jack and Margret are twins and are 18 months, Ginny is 4 almost 5 and they live in Sanfransisco. Lastly there's my family me, My dad, mom and sister. I have a huge family on both sides thats just all the first cousins on the McNamara side, I have over 50 2nd cousins, I don't know half of them. But every year the adults do an adult weekend up north at the Diley's cabin. This year my uncle mike and aunt amy brought the kids. So the plan is that they are all staying at our house and their nanny Dleph my cousin Kaylen and I are watching the 3 kids, my sister and my cousin maggie and jenny. I only get one break by going to Prince Caspian with my friends so I don't know how this weekend will be. To me though it looks like it will be another McNamara fun filled weekend, something exciting always happens when the McNamara's are around.

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